30 minutes baked french fries

These baked french fries are healthier option than oil-fried ones and cooking time is around 3o minutes.
baked french fries


5 medium potatoes

2 Tbsp oil (grapeseed oil preferred)

Salt to taste (at least 1/2 tsp)

1-1.5 Tbsp paprika

7 tsp water

Preheat oven to 425F. In a large bowl, toss the potatoes with the oil, salt and paprika. Spray a baking sheet with cooking oil. Spread potatoes in a single layer, sprinkle 7 tsp of water  and cover the baking sheet with a aluminum foil tightly. Bake foil-covered until tender, for about 25 min. Remove foil cover and broil (500 F) for additional 3 min. Enjoy healthy baked fries as a side or just as is.
