Collard Greens

Another classic Southern New Year’s Day dish, slow-cooked and unapologetically seasoned collard greens are so good (and good for you, by the way). In the South, we call a big batch of collards a “mess” and we season them with hog parts. After that description, either your mouth is watering or you are clicking away from the page.

You will need a smoked ham hock and thick-sliced bacon. So, here’s how you cook up a big mess of collards for all your New Year’s Day family and drop-in company.

Serves: 6


4 slices thick-cut applewood smoked bacon
1 1/2 quarts cold water
1 smoked ham hock
4 lbs of fresh collard greens, rinsed very well
salt and pepper to taste


Dice bacon and place in large pot over medium-high heat. Render for 10-15 minutes. Once you have lots of rendered fat in the pot and the bacon is beginning to brown, add the cold water, the ham hock and turn heat to high. Bring to a boil and add the collards. Reduce heat to low and simmer, covered, for 2-3 hours.

Remove the ham hock and, if you wish, dice the small amount of meat from the hock and add to the pot. Discard remainder of ham hock. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Drain (some people like to serve a bit of the “pot liquor” on the side) and serve.
pepper hot sauce large

Texas Pete Pepper Sauce

You may also provide Tabasco and hot pepper sauce (such as Texas Pete) on the side for thems that likes it.
