Giving Thanks and Feeding America

I started this blog to share my recipes, cooking and entertaining passion. As the Thanksgiving holiday is upon us and I’m focused on planning, preparing, cooking and sharing a feast, I pause here to give thanks.

It is not lost on me that, while this blog celebrates an abundance of food, there are many in our own country and certainly around the world who do not have enough food to sustain their basic life processes. Many more feel hungry every day. Parents struggle to send their children to school with breakfast in their bellies.

praying hands

So, let me say how thankful I am that I have an abundant life, that I don’t have to worry about where my next meal will come from and that I can share that abundance.

I am proud that the company I work for is focused on social responsibility. Recently, we launched a sales campaign that includes the opportunity for prospects to authorize us to make a $25 charitable donation on their behalf. Because the recent mailing focused on tailgating and the food associated with tailgating, we wanted to support an organization that fights hunger. The organization we chose for this campaign is Feeding America. This organization supports a nationwide network of food banks that serve virtually every county in the United States and Puerto Rico. On their website, they state that a $25 donation can help provide 225 meals. I made my own personal donation to Feeding America and I would like to encourage everyone who reads this post to do the same. It matters not whether you do this during Thanksgiving. Many Americans are hungry every day of the year.

And for those of you who choose to support Feeding America or a hunger organization of your choice, I give thanks.



Image used under Creative Commons license from Keith Riley-Whittington
